Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Weight Game - October 2012 Article

Who am I? When I look in the mirror I see the same person I was 75 pounds ago in January. And then a very good friend of mine took a picture of me to send to one of her friends after exclaiming, “You look so small. I need to send this to Kim.” Sometimes I think people are just being nice by saying these things because I really don’t see it, even though I feel it. So, I looked at the picture on her cell phone and said, “Oh my goodness I look so small!” It’s weird how I see it in a photo but not in the mirror.

The lifestyle change journey continues successfully even with its challenges and temptations. I continue to view it as a series of learning experiences and experiments to incorporate into my life permanently. It’s actually kind of fun, like an adventure or a puzzle to solve.

The day my friend took the photo I was feeling pretty good in some new wardrobe – size 12! I can’t believe it but I was a size 20 in January and now a size 12. Now, not all size 12s fit me but according to my good friend Eileen, “if you fit into anything size 12, you’re a 12.” My original goal was a 12 because I always thought I looked good at a 12. I’ve always be comfortable in my skin, no matter what size, but I especially liked the way I looked at a 12. And here I am at my original goal and I want more. It dawned on me that I’m enjoying the adventure and don’t want it to end, so why not reach for a size 10 and tighter muscles?! It’s also rewarding to see my muscles become more defined and my strength improve. I really understand the meaning of adrenaline rush. There’s nothing like it. Oh, and I’m really excited about seeing my collar bone again!!!

In September I had many challenges to face. For one, my weight loss slowed down, so I decided to do another three-week detox that basically eliminates everything except lean chicken, turkey, beef and fish (no shell fish) and vegetables. At the time of this writing I’m still on the detox and have lost 5 pounds. The detox ends while I’m in San Francisco on business in which alcohol consumption will be tempting me. Additionally the motel we’re staying at doesn’t have an exercise room and since I’m there for five days I had to spend time pre-planning how I plan on eating, drinking and working out. Thank goodness for the internet as I was able to find a nearby gym with visitor passes. Just in case I don’t make it to that gym during my tight conference schedule, I’m bringing a jump rope and resistance band. I’ll also have the option of running. I’ve also plotted out the nearest grocery store so I can visit it as soon as we arrive to stock up on healthy snacks.
Another revelation I’ve had is that I love inspiring other women and sometimes it can be overwhelming, while flattering. Everyone wants my advice, which I’m happy to give. Unfortunately I don’t always have time for this and now refer everyone to the “expert”, my trainer Molly. I want to continue to inspire others and I also want to keep myself focused on me so that inspiring others doesn’t feel like a job.

My original end goal was to lose 80 pounds by my one year wedding anniversary on October 1? Will I do it? Read next month’s issue to find out!!! Happy Health! 

This blog was originally published in the October 2012 issue of South Carolina Woman Magazine.

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